
Welcome to Eolithics!
What is an eolith? From Wikipedia: “Eoliths were once thought to have been artifacts, the earliest stone tools, but are now believed to be geofacts (stone fragments produced by fully natural geological processes such as glaciation).”

The spiritual crossover here is the way we are rough-misshapen human tools of Jesus to do His will. We are also part of His creation, His divine design for the purposes of His glory (Isaiah 43:7).

Simple: I’m teaching this class because He told me to. I’m inviting everyone I can to be a part of this guided team study. He has called me to “go”, and I respond with “Here I am!” like Abraham in Genesis. I invite everyone to join me in learning how to Connect the Dots and become tools for His glory, and not just consumers of His gifts.

Connect with the group at www.band.us/@eolithics